This Screw Rescue Report is the customer in Kumegawa, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, in the Kanto region of Japan.
★Issue Description:
"When attempting to replace the door stabilizer of a Toyota vehicle and remove the original door striker, the Torx screw became stripped. Unsure of how to remove this screw, the customer contacted us for assistance."
★ Work Log:
After assessing the damaged screw photo, a prototype of the Neji-Mogura (So called Socket Screw Extractor) was sent.
After trying out the Neji-Mogura's trick themselves...
★Customer Appreciation
"Today, the Neji-Mogura arrived, and when I tried it out immediately, I was able to remove the screw very very easily. I'm grateful for lending me such a wonderful product. Thank you very much for your assistance." We received this delightful feedback 🦖
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